  $mess = Qava::grind("whole","lotta","bags");
  Qava::grind($mess, "whole","lotta","bags");
  $method = $local ? "Qava::" : "Espresso::";

# Add code here.


package Bean;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(setBeanType);

sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $this = {};
$this->{"Bean"} = "Colombian";
bless $this, $type;
return $this;

# This subroutine sets the class name
sub setBeanType{
my ($class, $name) = @_;
$class->{"Bean"} = $name;
print "Set bean to $name n";


1 #
2 # The file to illustrate inheritance.
3 #
4 package Coffee;
5 require Exporter;
6 require Bean;
7 @ISA = qw(Exporter, Bean);
8 @EXPORT = qw(setImports, declareMain, closeMain);
9 #
10 # set item
11 #
12 sub setCoffeeType{
13  my ($class,$name) = @_;
14  $class->{"Coffee"} = $name;
15  print "Set coffee type to $name n";
16  }
17 #
18 # constructor
19 #
20 sub new {
21  my $type = shift;
22  my $this = Bean->new(); ##### <- LOOK HERE!!! ####
23  $this->{"Coffee"} = "Instant"; # unless told otherwise
24  bless $this, $type;
25  return $this;
26  }
27 1;

  第6行的require Bean;語句包含了Bean.pm文件和所有相關函數,方法setCoffeeType()用于設置局域變量$class->{"Coffee"}的值。在構造函數new()中,$this指向Bean.pm返回的匿名哈希表的指針,而不是在本地創建一個,下面兩個語句分別為創建不同的哈希表從而與Bean.pm構造函數創建的哈希表無關的情況和繼承的情況:
  my $this = {}; #非繼承
  my $this = $theSuperClass->new(); #繼承

1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 push (@INC,"pwd");
3 use Coffee;
4 $cup = new Coffee;
5 print "n -------------------- Initial values ------------ n";
6 print "Coffee: $cup->{"Coffee"} n";
7 print "Bean: $cup->{"Bean"} n";
8 print "n -------------------- Change Bean Type ---------- n";
9 $cup->setBeanType("Mixed");
10 print "Bean Type is now $cup->{"Bean"} n";
11 print "n ------------------ Change Coffee Type ---------- n";
12 $cup->setCoffeeType("Instant");
13 print "Type of coffee: $cup->{"Coffee"} n";


-------------------- Initial values ------------
Coffee: Instant
Bean: Colombian
-------------------- Change Bean Type ----------
Set bean to Mixed
Bean Type is now Mixed
------------------ Change Coffee Type ----------
Set coffee type to Instant
Type of coffee: Instant


sub makeCup {
my ($class, $cream, $sugar, $dope) = @_;
print "n================================== n";
print "Making a cup n";
print "Add cream n" if ($cream);
print "Add $sugar sugar cubesn" if ($sugar);
print "Making some really addictive coffee ;-) n" if ($dope);
print "================================== n";


1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 push (@INC,"pwd");
3 use Coffee;
4 $cup = new Coffee;
5 #
6 # With no parameters
7 #
8 print "n Calling with no parameters: n";
9 $cup->makeCup;
10 #
11 # With one parameter
12 #
13 print "n Calling with one parameter: n";
14 $cup->makeCup("1");
15 #
16 # With two parameters
17 #
18 print "n Calling with two parameters: n";
19 $cup->makeCup(1,"2");
20 #
21 # With all three parameters
22 #
23 print "n Calling with three parameters: n";
24 $cup->makeCup("1",3,"1");


Calling with no parameters:
Making a cup
Calling with one parameter:
Making a cup
Add cream
Calling with two parameters:
Making a cup
Add cream
Add 2 sugar cubes
Calling with three parameters:
Making a cup
Add cream
Add 3 sugar cubes
Making some really addictive coffee ;-)


sub printType {
my $class = shift @_;
print "The type of Bean is $class->{"Bean"} n";

  @EXPORT = qw ( setBeanType , printType );



The type of Bean is Mixed
The type of Bean is Mixed
The type of Bean is Mixed


# This routine prints the type of $class->{"Coffee"}
sub printType {
my $class = shift @_;
print "The type of Coffee is $class->{"Coffee"} n";

  @EXPORT = qw(setImports, declareMain, closeMain, printType);

The type of Coffee is Instant
The type of Coffee is Instant
The type of Bean is Mixed

  那么如果不知道基類名該如何調用基類方法呢?方法是使用偽類保留字SUPER::。在類方法內使用語法如:$this->SUPER::function(...argument list...); ,它將從@ISA列表中尋找。剛才的語句用SUPER::替換Bean::可以寫為$cup->SUPER::printType(); ,其結果輸出相同,為:

The type of Bean is Mixed
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